Friday, October 29, 2010

How to tell someone what the date/month in spanish

In order to tell someone what the date/month in spanish you need to know that months, days of the week, and your numbers up to 31. But you only need the days if that is what is being asked.

What to listen for ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy? in inglés that is What is todays date?
You can Say Hoy es __________ or Hoy es el # de __(mes)__. in inglés it is today is or the day is # of __mouth__.

The months -

The dates of the week -

Numbers up to 31 -

This video shows how to tell someone the date in  spanish

How To Spell Your Name:

I order to spell your name you need to know the spanish alphabet.

Spanish Alphabet

The video below shows Byshera tell a spanish speaking person how to spell her name.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How to say hello, how are you?, and goodbyes.

If you want to say hello or goodbye to some one here is how.

¡ Hola !
Hello !
¡ Buenos dîas !
Good morning !
¡ Buenos tardes !
Good afternoon!
¡ Buenos noches !
Good evening!

How are you
¿ Qué tal ?

How are you?
¿ Cómo va ?
¿ Cómo estås (tü) ?
¿ Cómo estå (Ud,) ?
(Muy) Bien, gracias.
( Very) Well, thanks.
Mås o menos.
(Muy) Mal./ Terrible
¿ Y tü ?
And you?
¿ Y Usted ?
¿ Ay, ay, ay ?
Oh, no!
¿ Qué bien ?
Oh, good!

¡ Adiós! = ¡ Chao!
¡Hasta luego!
See you later!
¡ Hasta pronto!
See you soon!
¡ Hasta mañana!
See you tomorrow!
¡ Qué le vaya bien!
Have a good one!

This video is show two girls having a short conversation.